Smart Device Management with GitOps.

Toggle switches can be a thing of the past now.


GitOps workflows are associated with infrastructure-as-code. Zentral applies the same principles to manage your endpoint configurations.

For the best experience, use the official Zentral Terraform module to manage the Zentral Munki, Osquery, Santa and MDM configurations.

Take your favourite source management system to keep track of the configuration changes for auditing and faster problem solving. Setup a CI/CD pipeline to push the updated configuration to your staging and production environments. Zentral will generate audit events for each configuration item operation (creation, update, deletion) that can be used for debugging or further analysis.

Increase reliability and avoid mistakes.

When collaborating through merge requests, a formal approval process protects your main (production) branch: Use comments and mandatory code reviews and merge only peer reviewed commits into your main branch.

Changes introduced in a merge request can be previewed with the terraform plan command. Catch configuration mistakes before they affect the productivity of your users (e.g. a Santa BLOCK rule on a key application). This step can be added to a CI/CD pipeline to display changes to the code reviewers directly within the user interface.

Multiple Zentral environments (production and staging for example), can be managed using multiple protected branches and the same commits.

Our Enterprise Plan helps you succeed with:

Terraform migration.

You can always migrate to a Terraform setup. We have tools to help you export your current configurations as Terraform HCL files.

CI/CD with Terraform.

We help you integrate Terraform into your existing CI/CD pipeline, or start from scratch using a new Git repository and Terraform Cloud for example.

Custom workflows.

Many API endpoints are available to develop custom workflows that cannot be implemented using Terraform. Tell us about your needs and we will guide you toward a solution.

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